martedì 10 dicembre 2013


Il Sole24ORE is willing to partner up with Savogno for a project called Artopolis starting from 2014. The idea is to wake up the village, starting from its own identity and giving  the possibility to leverage on tourists in the future.
Artopolis is a continuous series of projects, specifically designed for every single village, and Savogno is the first one to be taken in consideration.

In this case, the project consists in a two-years collaboration for the development of an exhibition related to a relevant artist from the 19th Century that will be associated to the town according to its history and its location. The core of the event will be a gift from il Sole24Ore permanently displayed in the town

Open Air Museum

In such a museum you can walk between the buildings of Savogno learning their history, but the village is also going to be a wonderful surrounding for open air exhibitions.
This project is a huge opportunity for Savogno to gain the status of historical venue that it deserves.

There are no other open air museums in Italy.

A brief introduction

Savogno it’s a unique little village in the Northern Italy, in Val Chiavenna, near the city of Sondrio.
Its main peculiarities are
Its location: Savogno it’s situated on the top of the Cascate dell’Acquafraggia and it’s reachable only on foot by a characteristic mulattiera.

The fact that it actually is inhabited since right after World War II: there is only one shelter for you to stay the night (but there’s free WiFi).

Right now, this little village can offer a huge 360 degrees cultural and historical experience.